In 2015, Orange County Peace Camp celebrated its first year welcoming the children of Thomas House Family Shelter into our community of compassion, friendship, and peace. Thomas House is a non-profit shelter dedicated to providing a safe, supportive environment and resources for homeless families with children in Southern California. Thanks to the efforts of our staff and volunteers, we were able to raise enough money to provide scholarships for numerous children for them to learn, grow, and build friendships with us at Peace Camp. They were a wonderful addition to our Peace Camp family.
As Peace Camp 2023 approaches, please join us in welcoming/bringing the children of Thomas House back to camp for the fifth year in a row! In order to fund scholarships for these shelter children this year, we plan to raise $2000. We have already made progress towards reaching our goal, and truly appreciate any contributions you are able to make. A donation of $250 will provide for one child’s tuition, lunch, and transportation.
Bringing the children of Thomas House back to Peace Camp resonates deeply with our mission to foster understanding and education for children from all backgrounds – we truly value each and every member of our community. Thank you so much for your continued support of Peace Camp and our campers.
To donate, please press the Donate button below. We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit organization. Our Tax ID # is: 92-3000957.